Раньше, до дня свадьбы, я особо почитал другой день ноябрьский день... Сегодня 10 лет, как встречаюсь с самой прекрасной девушкой на свете, моей самой настоящей половинкой. Спасибо, любимая, что уже 10 лет делаешь каждый мой день счастливым! А вот такими мы были тогда...
Today is the 10th anniversary of me dating the best lady in the world! Thank you for making me happy every day!
Today is the 10th anniversary of me dating the best lady in the world! Thank you for making me happy every day!
Earlier, before the wedding day, I especially read the other day the November day ... Today is 10 years old, how I meet the most beautiful girl in the world, my most real half. Thank you, darling, that for 10 years you have been making my every day happy! But we were like that then ...
Today is the 10th anniversary of me dating the best lady in the world! Thank you for making me happy every day!
Today is the 10th anniversary of me dating the best lady in the world! Thank you for making me happy every day!

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