Оказалось, что в Белграде есть очень даже симпатичный и недорогой зоопарк, с жирафом, слоном, бегемотами и крокодилами. Рекомендую к посещению, если судьба занесет в местные края.
Unexpectedly, Belgrade Zoo is very nice, it has elephant, giraffe, croco and огромна животиња :) (hippo)
Recommended! @ Belgrade, Serbia
Unexpectedly, Belgrade Zoo is very nice, it has elephant, giraffe, croco and огромна животиња :) (hippo)
Recommended! @ Belgrade, Serbia
It turned out that in Belgrade there is a very nice and inexpensive zoo, with a giraffe, an elephant, hippo and crocodile. I recommend to visit if fate brings to the local region.
Unexpectedly, Belgrade Zoo is very nice, it has elephant, giraffe, croco and is awesome :) (hippo)
Recommended! @ Belgrade, Serbia
Unexpectedly, Belgrade Zoo is very nice, it has elephant, giraffe, croco and is awesome :) (hippo)
Recommended! @ Belgrade, Serbia

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