"Добрый вечер, говорит капитан корабля, наш самолет только...

"Добрый вечер, говорит капитан корабля, наш самолет только что совершил посадку в аэропорту имени Николы Теслы в городе Белград. Местное время 22 часа, погода... приятная, 30 градусов Цельсия. Надеюсь, наш полет доставил вам удовольствие, будем снова рады видеть вас на борту Аэрофлота, члена международного альянса скотин."

Godevening, thizis you capitan speking. Our aircraft just landed in Nicola Tesla airport of Belgrade. Local time is 22 hours, temperature is nice, 30 degreez Celsius. We hope you enjoy our flight, and we hope to si your again on a bord of Airflot, SkyTeam aliance member.
"Good evening, says the captain of the ship, our plane just landed at the Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade. Local time is 22 hours, the weather ... pleasant, 30 degrees Celsius. I hope our flight gave you pleasure, we will be happy to see again you aboard Aeroflot, a member of the Cattle International Alliance. "

Godevening, thizis you capitan speking. Our aircraft just landed in Nicola Tesla airport of Belgrade. Local time is 22 hours, temperature is nice, 30 degreez Celsius. We hope you enjoy your flight again, a SkyTeam aliance member.
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