#баловство #invinciblesummer #trappedintheamberofthismoment The whole “magic” thing has...

#баловство #invinciblesummer #trappedintheamberofthismoment

The whole “magic” thing has always been tricky: one moment it’s there, then it’s not – not really gone, but hidden somewhere under the smell of morning coffee, the dust of a construction site, the sound of the pavement being torn off and replaced by flagstones. No matter how hard you squint, you only get a faint glimmer of the strings that bind reality together and only if you squint right at the glowing streetlamps. And then it comes flooding back, with its synesthesia of feeling everything at once.
I was holding my melting heart in my arms, trying to embrace it away from the pouring rain and the fear of change, so the shifting world simply snuck past. The all-too-familiar sense of detachment came next. Physicians told me it was just low blood pressure, but what do they know of magic, creatures of practicality and empirical observation? All of a sudden the city swelled and expanded around me, unfolding previously unwelcome concrete corners into warm, smooth curves of graceful architechture; picking up the warm winds under my palms.
It was September already, but summer finally arrived in earnest and rubbed the sky until it shone with the darkest of blues. Amber-coloured lights blossomed out of dusty street lamps among the canopy of leaves.
A friend once taught me to play the waiting game, so I got four ferret tattoos to overcome the fretting. Under this newly waning moon I finally felt how the tables were turning with the Earth’s movement. Time for a rematch.
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