#westandfirm I woke up to a silvery glow:...


I woke up to a silvery glow: the poplars in my window bent almost to the ground, showing the shiny underside of their leaves. The winds came in so strong from the southeast that time itself got crumpled up, stretching thin and tearing here, coming up in tidal waves there. It’s been what, a dozen years since you’ve dragged me out of my shell by the ponytail? A year since we’ve abandoned our watchpoint in search of a better world? Ten years since we’ve had our existential quarrels? It’s all a mishmash of colors and thoughts anyway, and I’m no historian. What I am is probably the slowest person to accept other people’s truths, for nothing is as rigid as randomness, but I’ll stand with you in this wind and whatever it throws our way. Happy birthday, [id92531|big brother].
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