Cвященнослужитель и австралийский пастух овец выступают соперниками в...

Cвященнослужитель и австралийский пастух овец выступают соперниками в
одной телевизионной викторине. После того, как были заданы все
стандартные вопросы, результат - ничья. Тогда ведущий передачи задает
последний решающий вопрос: оба участника должны придумать в течение 5-ти
минут стихотворение, в котором бы прозвучало слово "Тимбукту" (для
справки - это город в республике Мали, который в свое время был торговым
и культурным центром Ислама). Оба кандидата удаляются, и через 5 минут
на сцену выходит священнослужитель, чтобы представить свое произведение:

"I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu....."

Публика в восторге и уже воображает церковного служителя победителем
викторины. Но тут на сцену выходит австралийский пастух и произносит:

"When Tim and I to Brisbane went
We met three ladies cheap to rent,
they were three and we were two.
so I booked one and Tim booked two....."
The priest and the Australian shepherd are rivals in
one television quiz. After all have been set
standard questions, the result is a draw. Then the host of the transfer sets
last decisive question: both participants must come up within 5
minutes a poem in which the word "Timbuktu" would sound (for
Help is a city in the Republic of Mali, which was once a trading
and the cultural center of Islam). Both candidates are deleted, and after 5 minutes
a clergyman goes on stage to present his work:

"I was a father
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu ..... "

The audience is delighted and already imagines the church minister a winner
quizzes. But then the Australian shepherd comes on the scene and says:

"When Tim and I to Brisbane went
We met three ladies cheap to rent,
they were three and we were two.
so I booked one and Tim booked two ..... "
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