31 • My brother’s wishes. Here is a...

31 • My brother’s wishes.
Here is a new decade. I’m confident, I am not scared. I am exploring, meeting new, carefully cultivate my inside boy.
It is still noisy. but God is with me. and I will find my peace.
bye, my 30th winter.
hello, my winter number 31st.
мой день рождения, уже по традиции, сквозь всю планету. начинается на 15 часов раньше в Тайланде, с моего брата. идёт дальше на 11 часов раньше в Москву и Харьков, к родным. и, долетев до меня, продолжается 24 часа в измерениях Лос Анджелеса.
я благодарен маме, папе и Богу за жизнь. брату за безграничную бескорыстную опору.
друзьям и врагам за то, что делают меня лучше. себе - за ошибки, взлеты и падения.
я расправляю крылья,
я маленькая птица.
31 • My brother’s wishes.
Here is a new decade. I’m confident, I am not scared. I am exploring, meeting new, carefully cultivate my inside boy.
It is still noisy. but God is with me. and I will find my peace.
bye, my 30th winter.
hello, my winter number 31st.
my birthday, by tradition, through the entire planet. starts 15 hours earlier in Thailand, with my brother. goes on 11 hours earlier to Moscow and Kharkov, to his relatives. and, reaching me, it continues for 24 hours in the dimensions of Los Angeles.
I am grateful to mom, dad and God for my life. brother for unlimited unselfish support.
to friends and enemies for making me better. myself - for mistakes, ups and downs.
I spread my wings
I am a little bird.
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