Почти не щурюсь на недавно прошедшей презентации новинок от Divage ???? Как же хорошо, когда тепло и солнышко! Я вот искренне считаю себя "солнечным" человеком, без его живительных лучиков я как сонная ???????? Вспоминаю всегда робота Валл-и, который с утра батарейки на солнышке заряжал ☀️ // Seems like I'm very "sunny" person. Can't live without sun and its invigorating energy! Remember Wall-e and his morning? No work before he charges his solar battery! ☀️☀️☀️ @ Бар-ресторан "Счастье"
I hardly squint at the recent presentation of new products from Divage ???? How nice it is when it's warm and sunny! I sincerely consider myself a "sunny" person, without his life-giving rays I'm like a sleepy ???????? I always remember the robot Wall-e, who charged the batteries in the sun in the morning ☀️ // Seems like I'm very "sunny" person. Can't live without sun and its invigorating energy! Remember Wall-e and his morning? No work before he charges his solar battery! ☀️☀️☀️ @ "Happiness" bar-restaurant

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