It's my breakfast, lunch and dinner for 5...

It's my breakfast, lunch and dinner for 5 days. // Завтрак, обед и ужин на ближайшие 5 дней... Кстати, чем мне нравятся рецепты в Корее: выдают необходимое количество таблеток. Надо тебе 5 таблеток, дадут пять в пакетике, а не покупай упаковку на 10-15-20 таблеток и думай, что с ними делать потом. А ещё разложат таблетки по маленьким пакетикам с припиской "утро", "день", "вечер" (не сейчас, а вообще). #SNUH #Seoul #Korea #medicine
It's my breakfast, lunch and dinner for 5 days. // Breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next 5 days ... By the way, what I like about recipes in Korea: they give out the required number of tablets. You need 5 tablets, they will give you five in a sachet, but do not buy a package for 10-15-20 tablets and think about what to do with them later. And they will also spread the tablets into small bags with the postscript "morning", "day", "evening" (not now, but in general). #SNUH #Seoul #Korea #medicine
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