English ⬇ В Сеуле побывали классные ребята. У...

English ⬇
В Сеуле побывали классные ребята. У меня это был первый опыт сопровождения/гида. А у них - вот такое свадебное путешествие и первый полет.
На мой взгляд для первого раза всё прошло просто отлично! Правда, надо отметить, что мне очень и очень повезло с ребятами. =) Хорошие, классные, лёгкие на подъём и за любую активность. Так держать! ????????
These guys were in Seoul. It was my first experience as a guide. And it was their honeymoon trip and a first flight!
To my opinion it was very good! But I have to notice that I was lucky with the guys. They are nice, cool and they like any activity. Keep it up! ????????
#Seoul #Korea
#SV_Zoo #SV_Zoo_Ewik #SV_Zoo_Panda #SV_Zoo_Korea
#ерины2016 #новыеерины
English ⬇
Great guys visited Seoul. This was my first experience with an escort / guide. And they have such a honeymoon trip and their first flight.
In my opinion, for the first time everything went just fine! True, it should be noted that I was very, very lucky with the guys. =) Good, cool, easy-going and for any activity. Keep it up! ????????
These guys were in Seoul. It was my first experience as a guide. And it was their honeymoon trip and a first flight!
To my opinion it was very good! But I have to notice that I was lucky with the guys. They are nice, cool and they like any activity. Keep it up! ????????
#Seoul #Korea
#SV_Zoo #SV_Zoo_Ewik #SV_Zoo_Panda #SV_Zoo_Korea
#erins2016 #newerins
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