In the right situation, we are all capable...

In the right situation, we are all capable of the most terrible crimes. To imagine a world where this was not so, where every crisis did not result in new atrocities, where every newspaper is not full of war and violence... Well, this is to imagine a world where human beings cease to be human.
Фильм, в общем-то, не просто со смыслом, но и с осмысленной sci-fi теорией, в отличие от тонн чуши.

Белое вещество — это то, что объединяет нас со всеми млекопитающими со всеми их животными стремлениями и моделями поведения. И в то же время это то, что делает нас людьми.

Мне так кажется, что не все посмотревшие фильм впитали эту философскую начинку. А ведь она даёт ответы на многие вопросы.
In the right situation, we are all capable of the most terrible crimes. To imagine a world where this was not so, where every crisis did not result in new atrocities, where every newspaper is not full of war and violence ... Well, this is to imagine a world where human beings cease to be human.
The film, in general, not just with meaning, but also with a meaningful sci-fi theory, as opposed to tons of nonsense.

White matter is what unites us with all mammals with all their animal aspirations and behaviors. And at the same time, this is what makes us human.

It seems to me that not everyone who watched the film absorbed this philosophical filling. But she gives answers to many questions.
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