Yamdrok Yumtso Lake, is one of the most...

Yamdrok Yumtso Lake, is one of the most beautiful highland lake in Tibet and it's also one of the three sacred lakes in Tibet Autonomous Region. It's awesome and surreal???????????? одно из самых ярких там сюрреалистических переживаний, потому как сложно поверить глазам, озеро очень длинное, десятки километров неземной бирюзы всех оттенков, в какой-то момент пыталась осознать, во сне я или на яву. Потрясающие впечатления, точно запомню свет и цвет этой воды на всю жизнь. Священное озеро Ямдрок Цо. Расположено на высоте 4488 метров между Гьянце и Лхасой, протяженность 73 км с севера на юг, с востока на запад 130 км. #holyland #tibet #lhasa #yamdrok #travel ##traveling #nature #beauty #landscape #lake #inspiration #amazing #транстибетскаяэкспедиция
Yamdrok Yumtso Lake, is one of the most beautiful highland lake in Tibet and it's also one of the three sacred lakes in Tibet Autonomous Region. It's awesome and surreal ???????????? one of the brightest surreal experiences there, because it is hard to believe the eyes, the lake is very long, tens of kilometers of unearthly turquoise of all shades, at some point I tried to realize whether I was in a dream or in reality. Amazing impressions, I will definitely remember the light and color of this water for a lifetime. The sacred lake Yamdrok Tso. Located at an altitude of 4488 meters between Gyantse and Lhasa, the length is 73 km from north to south, from east to west 130 km. #holyland #tibet #lhasa #yamdrok #travel ## #nature #beauty #landscape #lake #inspiration #amazing #trans-Tibetan expedition
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