Отправляемся в Белоруссию! И первая остановка - еще...

Отправляемся в Белоруссию!
И первая остановка - еще в России - Смоленск.
Довольно чистый и зеленый город. Нам удалось побывать на Смоленской крепостной стене. Кому интересно, секретный вход расположен напротив дома номер 38 по улице Тимирязева. Там же можно проникнуть в две рядом стоящие башни.
We are going to Belarus!
And the first stop - even in Russia - Smolensk.
Pretty clean and green city. We managed to visit the Smolensk fortress wall. The secret entrance is located opposite the house number 38 on the street Timiryazev. @ Смоленск Россия
We are leaving for Belarus!
And the first stop - back in Russia - Smolensk.
Quite clean and green city. We managed to visit the Smolensk fortress wall. Who cares, the secret entrance is located opposite the house number 38 on Timiryazev Street. There you can also enter two adjacent towers.
We are going to Belarus!
And the first stop - even in Russia - Smolensk.
Pretty clean and green city. We managed to visit the Smolensk fortress wall. The secret entrance is located opposite the house number 38 on the street Timiryazev. @ Smolensk Russia
У записи 9 лайков,
0 репостов.
Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Антон Чарушин

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