В очередной раз убеждаюсь, что если попадаешь к...

В очередной раз убеждаюсь, что если попадаешь к достопримечательности в непопулярное время, то есть в плохую погоду или не в сезон или с черного входа, то тебя обязательно ждет что-то необыкновенное. Вот и сейчас мы подъехали к Голубым озерам только к 7 вечера, полчаса ждали, когда закончится дождь, а потом шли по лесным дорожкам, на которых не было ни души, дышали чистым воздухом, лакомились черникой. А в конце пути нас ждало необычайной красоты озеро. Прозрачное, тихое, от воды струится пар. Так и хочется окунуться в его прохладу????
А вы когда-нибудь попадали в подобные места при таких обстоятельствах❓
Озеро Глубелька

One more time I made sure that if you get to the attractions at unpopular time, bad weather or during low season, you will definitely find something extraordinary. So, we got to the "Blue lakes" only at 7 pm, for half an hour we were waiting when the rain stops, and then walked along the deserted forest paths, breathed clean air, ate the blueberry. At the end of the path we were rewarded with marvellous lake. Clean, calm, with steam above the water. It attracted us to plunge into its freshness ????
Have you ever been to such places in such circumstances❓
Lake Glubelka
Once again I am convinced that if you get to the sights at an unpopular time, that is, in bad weather or out of season or from the back door, then something extraordinary awaits you. And now we arrived at the Blue Lakes only at 7 pm, waited half an hour for the rain to stop, and then walked along the forest paths, on which there was not a soul, breathed clean air, feasted on blueberries. And at the end of the way, a lake of extraordinary beauty was waiting for us. Transparent, quiet, steam flows from the water. So you want to plunge into its coolness ????
Have you ever come to similar places under such circumstances❓
Lake Glubelka

One more time I made sure that if you get to the attractions at unpopular time, bad weather or during low season, you will definitely find something extraordinary. So, we got to the "Blue lakes" only at 7 pm, for half an hour we were waiting when the rain stops, and then walked along the deserted forest paths, breathed clean air, ate the blueberry. At the end of the path we were rewarded with marvelous lake. Clean, calm, with steam above the water. It attracted us to plunge into its freshness ????
Have you ever been to such places in such circumstances❓
Lake glubelka
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