Наконец снежная сказка пришла в Москву! Кто-то сидит...

Наконец снежная сказка пришла в Москву! Кто-то сидит дома, потому что не может выехать из двора на своей машине, а кто-то кайфует и веселится в лесу! Но больше всех радуется моя жена, и снег не единственный повод для этого. Секрет в том, что ей доставили отличнейший крафтовый рюкзачок от [id346044648|wildbags_ru]. Он не только функциональный и качественный (а рисунки на подкладке - отдельный повод для радости), но и очень идет к ее новой шапке ????
За помощь в съмках благодарю замерзшего vlad_klubov и любимую жену kseniyakitaina
Winter has finally come to Moscow! Snow is everywhere - in the air, on the cars, roads and even in my nose. It was the strongest snowfall in all the history of meteorological observations ????

#winter #snow #snowy #snowday #snowing #snowfall #forest #moscow #зима #снег #снегопад #лес
#headstand #kopfstand #nohandsheadstand
Finally, the snowy tale has come to Moscow! Someone stays at home, because they cannot leave the yard in their car, and someone gets high and has fun in the forest! But most of all, my wife is happy, and the snow is not the only reason for this. The secret is that she was delivered a very good craft backpack from [id346044648 | wildbags]. It is not only functional and of high quality (and the drawings on the lining are a separate reason for joy), but also goes very well with her new hat ????
For help in filming, I thank the frozen vlad_klubov and my beloved wife kseniyakitaina
Winter has finally come to Moscow! Snow is everywhere - in the air, on the cars, roads and even in my nose. It was the strongest snowfall in all the history of meteorological observations ????

#winter #snow #snowy #snowday #snowing #snowfall #forest #moscow #winter #snow #snowy #forest
#headstand #kopfstand #nohandsheadstand
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