Гуляя по родному Зеленограду, я наткнулся на мечту....

Гуляя по родному Зеленограду, я наткнулся на мечту. Мечту всех мальчишек и девчонок - домики на деревьях, которые построили мои друзья [club139398036|@gnzdm] !
И я задался вопросом, почему в детстве мы так любим строить укрытия, забираться на деревья и там проводить время, фантазировать? Да и во взрослой жизни мы не прочь взглянуть на привычные места с высоты и погрузиться в мечты. Сложный вопрос. Но я бы точно не отказался сейчас от уютного трехкомнатного утепленного шалаша на дереве с видом на осенний лес или озеро!
Кстати, если кому-то очень захочется построить себе уникальное жилище или игровой домик для детей, то в этом ноябре #gnzdm приготовил для всех подарок - качели-гнездо.
Торопитесь быть детьми и ловите фантазию за хвост! С дерева это точно удобнее делать????

Are here those ones, who dreamed of their own house ... in a tree, being a child? Dreamed of the impregnable tower of the princess, the secret lair of a hunter or the base of a superhero? The guys from [club139398036|@gnzdm] can realize any dream or fantasy (yours, or your childs'). A cozy house for romantic evenings or a cool playground - contact them. [club139398036|@gnzdm] will help you with the choice, design and build a new house quickly.
This is one of the creations of the guys from [club139398036|@gnzdm], that fits very well into the autumn landscape in the photo.
#gnzdm gnzdm.ru

#stolbyshking #домнадереве #осень #autumn #houseonatree #zelenograd #instazel #зеленоград
Walking around my native Zelenograd, I came across a dream. The dream of all boys and girls is the tree houses built by my friends [club139398036 | @gnzdm]!
And I wondered why in childhood we love to build shelters, climb trees and spend time there, fantasize? And even in adulthood, we are not averse to looking at familiar places from a height and plunge into dreams. Complex issue. But I would definitely not give up now from a cozy three-room insulated hut on a tree with a view of the autumn forest or lake!
By the way, if someone really wants to build a unique home or a playhouse for children, then this November #gnzdm prepared a gift for everyone - a swing-nest.
Hurry up to be children and catch your fantasy by the tail! It's definitely more convenient to do it from a tree ????

Are here those ones, who dreamed of their own house ... in a tree, being a child? Dreamed of the impregnable tower of the princess, the secret lair of a hunter or the base of a superhero? The guys from [club139398036 | @gnzdm] can realize any dream or fantasy (yours, or your childs'). A cozy house for romantic evenings or a cool playground - contact them. [club139398036 | @gnzdm] will help you with the choice, design and build a new house quickly.
This is one of the creations of the guys from [club139398036 | @gnzdm], that fits very well into the autumn landscape in the photo.
#gnzdm gnzdm.ru

#stolbyshking #house on the tree # autumn #autumn #houseonatree #zelenograd #instazel ​​# Zelenograd
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