Я не думала, что в жизни такое бывает! Встретиться на другом конце света с человеком из твоего родного города, который теперь живёт всего в нескольких минутах езды от тебя! Мало того, наши семьи жили когда-то в одном доме, и моя мама играла в песочнице с её отцом! Таня, я очень рада, что мы познакомились!!! Это судьба и, я уверена, начало прекрасной дружбы! / This is incredible! Meeting a girl from your home town now living in a place so far away! Not only were we born in Zhukovsky, but even our families used to live in the same house and my mum played with her dad when they were kids! #smallworld #incredible #portoconnectingpeople @ Praia De Lavadores
I didn't think that such a thing happens in life! Meet on the other side of the world with a person from your hometown, who now lives just a few minutes away from you! Moreover, our families once lived in the same house, and my mother played in the sandbox with her father! Tanya, I am very glad that we met !!! This is fate and, I am sure, the beginning of a wonderful friendship! / This is incredible! Meeting a girl from your home town now living in a place so far away! Not only were we born in Zhukovsky, but even our families used to live in the same house and my mum played with her dad when they were kids! #smallworld #incredible #portoconnectingpeople @ Praia De Lavadores

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