Big Group of british people traveling across eurasia....

Big Group of british people traveling across eurasia. From England to australia. We met them at Pamir mountains. There is their big auto. Best Run! Best truck! #overlandvehicle #scania #adventuremobile

Вот такой авто ехал через Памирский тракт из Англии в Австралию. Мы раза три с ними пересекались. Разок они нам навстречу в Киргизии ехали, видимо посмотрели Иссык-куль и двинули на Китай.
Полугодовой маршрут организован туристической компанией☺ спят в палатках, туалет-душ в машине!

Хотели бы Вы в такую поездку?!? Мне не понравилось что они ехали строго по графику, смотрели на многие красоты из окна, проезжая мимо без остановок.
#overlanding #overland #proexpedition #expeditionvehicle #expedition #camper #truck #british #england #provenoverland #overlandbound @ Khorog, Tajikistan
Big Group of british people traveling across eurasia. From England to australia. We met them at Pamir mountains. There is their big auto. Best Run! Best truck! #overlandvehicle #scania #adventuremobile

Such a car drove through the Pamir Highway from England to Australia. We crossed paths with them three times. Once they went to meet us in Kyrgyzstan, apparently looked at Issyk-Kul and moved to China.
The half-year route is organized by a travel company - they sleep in tents, toilet-shower in the car!

Would you like to go on such a trip?!? I did not like that they were driving strictly according to the schedule, they looked at many beauties from the window, passing by without stopping.
#overlanding #overland #proexpedition #expeditionvehicle #expedition #camper #truck #british #england #provenoverland #overlandbound @ Khorog, Tajikistan
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