Kola highway, one of the most beauty and...

Kola highway, one of the most beauty and best Russian road. We are going to the Arctic!

#некокакола2016 #полныйтундрец

Вот она наша некока Кола! Одна из лучших и живописнейших трасс России!

#road #трасса #highway #russia #kola #кола #мурманск #едемнасевер #arctic #kareliafoto #karjala #karelialive #дорогимоидороги #дорога @ Рабочеостровск, Причал
Kola highway, one of the most beauty and best Russian road. We are going to the Arctic!

# necocakola2016 # full tundra

This is our necoca Cola! One of the best and most picturesque tracks in Russia!

#road # highway #highway #russia #kola #cola # Murmansk # going to the North #arctic #kareliafoto #karjala #karelialive #roads # road @ Rabocheostrovsk, Pier
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