Сегодня, наконец, вышел Is this the life we...

Сегодня, наконец, вышел Is this the life we really want? Роджера Уотерса и это, определённо, Déjà Vu, причём в самом светлом значении слова. Альбом насквозь пропитан мотивами Wish You Were Here и Animals, по строению больше похож на The Final Cut, а примерно с середины переходит в целый блок, перекликающийся со второй частью The Wall, той самой между Hey you и Comfortable numb. Мудрый и глубокий, мы ждали его 25 лет, и теперь на вопрос: Is this the album we really want? есть однозначный ответ: Absolutely! #rogerwaters #isthisthelifewerealywant #nrc #nikerunning
Is this the life we ​​really want? Roger Waters, and this is definitely Déjà Vu, and in the lightest sense of the word. The album is thoroughly imbued with Wish You Were Here and Animals motives, its structure is more similar to The Final Cut, and from about the middle it turns into a whole block, echoing the second part of The Wall, the one between Hey you and Comfortable numb. Wise and deep, we have been waiting for him for 25 years, and now to the question: Is this the album we really want? there is a definite answer: Absolutely! #rogerwaters #isthisthelifewerealywant #nrc #nikerunning
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