???????????? перевод нынче грустный получился, но это- жизнь????????/????????...

???????????? перевод нынче грустный получился, но это- жизнь????????/????????
Now and then I think of when we were together
Порой я вспоминаю то время, когда мы были вместе,
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Когда ты говорила, что готова умереть от счастья.
Told myself that you were right for me
Я говорил себе, что ты та самая для меня,
But felt so lonely in your company
Но почему-то чувствовал себя одиноким в твоей компании.
But that was love
И всё же это была любовь,
And it's an ache I still remember
И это боль, которую я до сих пор помню.
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Можно привыкнуть к определенному виду печали,
Like resignation to the end
Это как смирение с концом,
Always the end
Неизбежным концом.
So when we found
Поэтому когда мы обнаружили,
That we could not make sense
Что наши отношения лишены смысла,
Well you said that we would still be friends
Ты сказала, что мы останемся друзьями...”????????????????
???????????? The translation now turned out to be sad, but this is life ???????? / ????????
Now and then I think of when we were together
Sometimes I remember the time when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
When you said you were ready to die of happiness.
Told myself that you were right for me
I told myself that you were the one for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But somehow I felt lonely in your company.
But that was love
And yet it was love
And it's an ache I still remember
And this is the pain that I still remember.
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
You can get used to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end
It's like resigning with the end
Always the end
The inevitable end.
So when we found
So when we found
That we could not make sense
That our relationship is meaningless
Well you said that we would still be friends
You said we'd stay friends ... ”????????????????
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