This beauty was brought to me in the...

This beauty was brought to me in the office with greetings from a candidate!
I like helping people to find their next job or project, support them in this choice, in the development of their new skills and attitudes. I beleive we are effective in helping people and organisations improve or find fulfillment in what they are doing now. For all these reasons, I love my job!!! And I want to say many-many thanks to all candidates I have met during my 10 years career history by RH PARTNERS. Эту красоту принесли мне сегодня в офис в благодарность от кандидата! Мне нравится помогать людям найти работу или проект, поддержать и помочь им сделать правильный выбор, развить новые навыки и таланты. Я верю, что наша компания с большим успехом помогает кандидатам и компаниям совершенствоваться или наоборот найти удовлетворение в том, чем они занимаются сейчас. За все это я и люблю свою работу! И я хочу сказать спасибо всем тем людям, которые приходили ко мне на протяжении 10 лет работы в RH PARTNERS и ещё придут!
With beauty from the candidate!
I would like to help them get their hands on it. I am effective in order to improve or find out. For all these reasons, I love my job !!! And I want to say that I have met during my 10 years career course. This beauty was brought to my office today in thanks from the candidate! I like helping people find a job or project, support and help them make the right choice, develop new skills and talents. I believe that our company with great success helps candidates and companies to improve or, on the contrary, to find satisfaction in what they are doing now. For all this, I love my job! And I want to say thanks to all those people who came to me for 10 years working at RH PARTNERS and will come again!
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