Съемки для журнала Fashion in the city :)...

Съемки для журнала Fashion in the city :) Repost from [id237311427|Kseniya Dmitrieva] via @igrepost_app, it's free! Use the @igrepost_app to save, repost Instagram pics and videos, Супер-селфи ???? снимаем для моего FASHION in the City [id214287717|Светлана Котова] и [id6431085|Александр Оленин] ???? http://instagram.com/p/shJxWLNtFr/
Съемки для журнала Fashion in the city :) Repost from [id237311427|Kseniya Dmitrieva] via @igrepost_app, it's free! Use the @igrepost_app to save, repost Instagram pics and videos, Супер-селфи ???? снимаем для моего FASHION in the City [id214287717|Светлана Котова] и [id6431085|Александр Оленин] ???? http://instagram.com/p/shJxWLNtFr/
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