С большой неохотой я вытащила себя из дома. И не зря! Ботанический сад и Встреча с суперистическими Танями, Надей и Александрой, на его просторах, окрылили меня. Ну, и японская поэзия.
I can't find words to say how i was inspired by the meeting with this fairies of libraries! And also by japanese poetry.
#Hokku #momijigari #botanicalgarden #japanesepoetry #coollibrarians #мацуобасё #ботаническийсад #хокку #хайку @ Ботанический cад Петра Великого
I can't find words to say how i was inspired by the meeting with this fairies of libraries! And also by japanese poetry.
#Hokku #momijigari #botanicalgarden #japanesepoetry #coollibrarians #мацуобасё #ботаническийсад #хокку #хайку @ Ботанический cад Петра Великого
With great reluctance, I pulled myself out of the house. And not in vain! The Botanical Garden and the Meeting with superistic Tanya, Nadya and Alexandra, in its vastness, inspired me. Well, and Japanese poetry.
I can't find words to say how i was inspired by the meeting with this fairies of libraries! And also by japanese poetry.
こ の 女性 は 素 晴 ら し い 図 書 館員 で あ っ て と て も 面 白 い 詩 の 授業 を し ま し た。
#Hokku #momijigari #botanicalgarden #japanesepoetry #coollibrarians #matsuobashho # botanical garden # hokku # haiku @ Peter the Great Botanical Garden
I can't find words to say how i was inspired by the meeting with this fairies of libraries! And also by japanese poetry.
こ の 女性 は 素 晴 ら し い 図 書 館員 で あ っ て と て も 面 白 い 詩 の 授業 を し ま し た。
#Hokku #momijigari #botanicalgarden #japanesepoetry #coollibrarians #matsuobashho # botanical garden # hokku # haiku @ Peter the Great Botanical Garden

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