Город, в котором даже кариатиды прекрасны и лишены этой обычной мощи, грубости, "квадратности" и однотипности. Её выражение лица, эмоция, взгляд - они есть, в отличие от большинства кариатид, которых я знаю ☺ Сложная и такая естественная, женственная поза, эта рука, ничего не поддерживающая, а слегка касающаяся складок одежды... Она смотрит на вас немного печально, когда вы стоите рядом. Она как-будто начинает тихонько вздыхать от того, что устала то ли стоять, то ли поддерживать эркер, то от того, что на неё не обращают внимание... Она прекрасна, она живая!..
#Вена #прогулкапогороду #люблюгулять #архитектура
The City, where even caryatids are beautiful and are deprived from this usual strength, grossness, "squareness" and uniformity. Her face, her emotion, her sight - they exist, contrasting to those caryatids I know ☺ Complex and such natural, feminine pose, that hand, supporting nothing, but just gently touching the folders of the clothes... She watches you a little sadly, when you stand nearby. It's as if she starts quietly sighing, because she is tired either of standing, or of holding den Erker, or of being unnoticed... She's beautiful, she's alive!..
#Vienna #citywalk #Wien
#Вена #прогулкапогороду #люблюгулять #архитектура
The City, where even caryatids are beautiful and are deprived from this usual strength, grossness, "squareness" and uniformity. Her face, her emotion, her sight - they exist, contrasting to those caryatids I know ☺ Complex and such natural, feminine pose, that hand, supporting nothing, but just gently touching the folders of the clothes... She watches you a little sadly, when you stand nearby. It's as if she starts quietly sighing, because she is tired either of standing, or of holding den Erker, or of being unnoticed... She's beautiful, she's alive!..
#Vienna #citywalk #Wien
A city in which even the Caryatids are beautiful and devoid of this usual power, coarseness, "squareness" and uniformity. Her facial expression, emotion, look - they are, unlike most of the caryatids I know ☺ A complex and so natural, feminine pose, this hand that does not support anything, but slightly touches the folds of her clothes ... She looks at you a little sadly when you stand beside. She seems to begin to sigh softly from the fact that she is tired of either standing, or supporting the bay window, or of not paying attention to her ... She is beautiful, she is alive! ..
# Vienna # city walk # love walking # architecture
The City, where even caryatids are beautiful and are deprived from this usual strength, grossness, "squareness" and uniformity. Her face, her emotion, her sight - they exist, contrasting to those caryatids I know ☺ Complex and such natural, feminine pose, that hand, supporting nothing, but just gently touching the folders of the clothes ... She watches you a little sadly, when you stand nearby. It's as if she starts quietly sighing, because she is tired either of standing, or of holding den Erker, or of being unnoticed ... She's beautiful, she's alive! ..
#Vienna #citywalk #Wien
# Vienna # city walk # love walking # architecture
The City, where even caryatids are beautiful and are deprived from this usual strength, grossness, "squareness" and uniformity. Her face, her emotion, her sight - they exist, contrasting to those caryatids I know ☺ Complex and such natural, feminine pose, that hand, supporting nothing, but just gently touching the folders of the clothes ... She watches you a little sadly, when you stand nearby. It's as if she starts quietly sighing, because she is tired either of standing, or of holding den Erker, or of being unnoticed ... She's beautiful, she's alive! ..
#Vienna #citywalk #Wien

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