Только что была в Ботаническом саду на экскурсии по японскому садику. Надо признаться, осенью и весной я становлюсь особенно японутой. Например, могу пустить слезу при виде капель дождя на ветках кипариса или отражения деревьев в гладкой поверхности воды. Ничего не могу с собой поделать. Да, собственно, и не хочу. И всем, кто любит простую строгую красоту и прозрачную гармонию воды, камней и ветра, советую туда сходить. У вас есть два дня) Новые экскурсии обещают, когда выпадет снег. Я уже с нетерпением жду!
Japanese garden and traditional tea house in St Petersburg Botanic Garden. Very beautiful and meditating place to have a rest of city rush, listen to your heart and observe a real harmony of stones, water and wind. Find your own #Zen.
#ботаническийсад #Петроградка #спб #санктпетербург #петербург #японскийсад #япония #дзен #spb #spbgram #saintpetersburg #petersburg #japanesegarden #japan #harmony http://instagram.com/p/vGnsZYCFPc/
Japanese garden and traditional tea house in St Petersburg Botanic Garden. Very beautiful and meditating place to have a rest of city rush, listen to your heart and observe a real harmony of stones, water and wind. Find your own #Zen.
#ботаническийсад #Петроградка #спб #санктпетербург #петербург #японскийсад #япония #дзен #spb #spbgram #saintpetersburg #petersburg #japanesegarden #japan #harmony http://instagram.com/p/vGnsZYCFPc/
I have just been to the Botanical Garden on a tour of the Japanese garden. I must admit that in the fall and spring, I become especially Japanese. For example, I can shed a tear at the sight of raindrops on cypress branches or the reflection of trees in the smooth surface of the water. I can’t help myself. Yes, actually, I don't want to. And to everyone who loves simple, austere beauty and transparent harmony of water, stones and wind, I advise you to go there. You have two days) New excursions promise when the snow falls. I'm already looking forward to it!
Japanese garden and traditional tea house in St Petersburg Botanic Garden. Very beautiful and meditating place to have a rest of city rush, listen to your heart and observe a real harmony of stones, water and wind. Find your own #Zen.
# botanical garden # Petrogradka # spb # sankt-petersburg # petersburg # japanese garden # japan # zen #spb #spbgram #saintpetersburg #petersburg #japanesegarden #japan #harmony http://instagram.com/p/vGnsZYCFPc/
Japanese garden and traditional tea house in St Petersburg Botanic Garden. Very beautiful and meditating place to have a rest of city rush, listen to your heart and observe a real harmony of stones, water and wind. Find your own #Zen.
# botanical garden # Petrogradka # spb # sankt-petersburg # petersburg # japanese garden # japan # zen #spb #spbgram #saintpetersburg #petersburg #japanesegarden #japan #harmony http://instagram.com/p/vGnsZYCFPc/

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