Time to sum up smile emoticon It was...

Time to sum up smile emoticon It was a great year. It started with snowboarding in Kyrgyzstan. And it the was best possible way to start a new year. I've met a few great people there. Then there was my usual work in the Arctic, but this time it started with a sun eclipse. And again, I’ve met a few amazing people. In summer I visited my good friends in Portugal and as usual had a great time. And for the first time I not only surfed there, but also climbed. It totally blew my mind. And then, MY DOG. Decision of the year smile emoticon Then, I was snowboarding in Siberia; one of the best trips. And, finally, seeing off this year with my family (all together under one roof at last). It was a great year indeed. Thanks to all the people who shared it with me.

Время подводить итоги года, это был замечательный год. Сноубординг в Киргизии был лучшим вариантом начать год. Да еще и в такой отличной компании! Затем была уже традиционная работа в Арктике, в этот раз начавшаяся с удивительного солнечного затмения. И, опять, новые знакомства с замечательными людьми. Летом был чудесный серфинг в Португалии, в гостях у моих дорогих друзей. А еще было несколько скалолазных линий, которые совершенно снесли мне голову. Наконец, самое главное решение года - я завел собаку, самого настоящего и преданного друга. А в декабре был сноубординг в Сибири - одно из лучших сноуборд-путешествий последних лет. И, наконец, я очень рад, что год провожаю в кругу семьи, которая собралась наконец-то вся под одной крышей, чего не случалось уже много-много лет. Это был чудесный год. Огромное спасибо всем, с кем получилось его разделить.
Time to sum up smile emoticon It was a great year. It started with snowboarding in Kyrgyzstan. And it the was best possible way to start a new year. I've met a few great people there. Then there was my usual work in the Arctic, but this time it started with a sun eclipse. And again, I’ve met a few amazing people. In summer I visited my good friends in Portugal and as usual had a great time. And for the first time I not only surfed there, but also climbed. It totally blew my mind. And then, MY DOG. Decision of the year smile emoticon Then, I was snowboarding in Siberia; one of the best trips. And, finally, seeing off this year with my family (all together under one roof at last). It was a great year indeed. Thanks to all the people who shared it with me.

Time to take stock of the year, it has been a wonderful year. Snowboarding in Kyrgyzstan was the best way to start the year. Yes, and in such a great company! Then there was the traditional work in the Arctic, which this time began with an amazing solar eclipse. And, again, new acquaintances with wonderful people. Summer was wonderful surfing in Portugal, visiting my dear friends. And then there were a few climbing lines that completely blew my head off. Finally, the most important decision of the year - I got a dog, a very real and devoted friend. And in December there was snowboarding in Siberia - one of the best snowboarding trips in recent years. And, finally, I am very glad that I am spending the year with my family, which has finally gathered all under one roof, which has not happened for many, many years. It has been a wonderful year. Many thanks to everyone with whom we managed to share it.
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