Наша таёжная тёплая избушка, затерянная в ущелье реки...

Наша таёжная тёплая избушка, затерянная в ущелье реки Большой Мамай. Горы встретили нас метром свежего и пухлого снега.
До поездки сюда, сезон получалось открывать в Лужбе. Часто слышал, что Лужба лучше, или наоборот Мамай. На самом деле, они очень разные, но одинаково классные. И в идеале сезон открывать и там, и там :)
Our warm hut in a gorge of river Mamay. It is a great place to start the season. Mamay welcomed us with a meter of fresh powder. Descents with a view at great lake Baikal are second to none :)
#russia #baikal #hut #snow #forest #backcountry #skitouring #мамай
Our taiga warm hut, lost in the gorge of the Bolshoi Mamai River. The mountains greeted us with a meter of fresh and plump snow.
Before coming here, I managed to open the season in Luzhba. I often heard that Luzhba is better, or vice versa Mamai. In fact, they are very different but equally awesome. And ideally open the season there and there :)
Our warm hut in a gorge of river Mamay. It is a great place to start the season. Mamay welcomed us with a meter of fresh powder. Descents with a view at great lake Baikal are second to none :)
#russia #baikal #hut #snow #forest #backcountry #skitouring #mamai
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