В vueling журнале была статья про русских и...

В vueling журнале была статья про русских и водку. Давалась часть экскурсии в Музее русской водки. И вот что там рассказывают:
For Russians vodka is not a side issue. It's a drink that is close to the human's soul; one we use in joy and in sadness. We drink vodka to celebrate a victory, to ease our pain, to great friends whom we have not seen in a long time, to beat stress or to cure depression.
With vodka we made a revolution, with vodka we built socialism, uniting the proletariats of all countries, with vodka we created a strong nation, with our beloved vodka we sent the first man into space...
Вот так. Водка, медведи, балалайка. Мы сами создаем этот образ.
В vueling журнале была статья про русских и водку. Давалась часть экскурсии в Музее русской водки. И вот что там рассказывают:
For Russians vodka is not a side issue. It's a drink that is close to the human's soul; one we use in joy and in sadness. We drink vodka to celebrate a victory, to ease our pain, to great friends whom we have not seen in a long time, to beat stress or to cure depression.
With vodka we made a revolution, with vodka we built socialism, uniting the proletariats of all countries, with vodka we created a strong nation, with our beloved vodka we sent the first man into space...
Вот так. Водка, медведи, балалайка. Мы сами создаем этот образ.
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