1. "A gypsy woman" — Женщина из гипса....

1. "A gypsy woman" — Женщина из гипса.
2. "A naked conductor ran along the roof" — По крыше бежал голый дирижёр.
3. "A rabbit lay in a depression" — Кролик лежал в депрессии.
4. "Airborne" — Зачатый в самолёте.
5. "All by myself" — Всё покупаю сам.
6. "How do you do? All right!" — Как ты это делаешь? Всегда правой!
7. "All Rights Reserved" — Все правые заняты.
8. "Bad influence" — Плохая простуда.
9. "By the way" — купи рельсы.
10. "Bye bye baby, baby good bye" — Купи купи ребенка, ребенок хорошая покупка.
11. "Can you hear me" — Ты можешь меня здесь.
12. "Copyright" — Скопировано правильно.
13. "Do You feel alright?" — Ты справа всех знаешь?
14. "Duly received" — Получил фигу.
15. "Enduring freedom" — Век воли бы видать!
16. "FAR manager" — Начальник далеко.
17. "Finnish people" — Конченные люди.
18. "Give me a buzz when you're done" — Подайте мне автобус, когда надоест ждать.
19. "God only knows" — Единственный нос бога.
20. "Good products" — Бог на стороне уток.
21. "Hell knows" — Адский нос.
22. "Honey, don't!" — Мёда нет!
24. "HP Laser Jet" — Лазерная струя в лошадиную силу.
25. "I fell asleep" — Сон свалил меня с ног.
26. "I fell in love" — Я свалился в любовь.
27. "I have been there" — У меня там фасоль.
28. "I know his story well" — Я знаю его исторический колодец.
29. "I love you baby" — Я люблю вас, бабы!
30. "I saw my Honey today" — Я пилил мой мед сегодня.
31. "I want my money back" — Я хочу свою денежную спину.
32. "I will never give up" — Меня никогда не тошнит.
33. "I`ve just saw your balance sheet" — Видел я ваш баланс... так себе баланс.
34. "I'll be back" — Я буду пчелиной спиной.
35. "I'm fine. How are you?" — У меня тонкий. А у тебя?
36. "I'm going to make you mine" — Я иду копать тебе шахту.
37. "I'm just asking" — Я всего лишь король жопы.
38. "Just in case" — Только в портфеле.
39. "Let it be" — Давай съедим пчелу.
40. "Let's have a party" — Давайте организуем партию.
41. "Manicure" — Деньги лечат.
42. "Marmalade on toast" — Мама на тосте.
43. "May God be with you" — Майская хорошая пчелка с тобой.
44. "No need to run" — Нет, надо бежать!
45. "Notwithstanding" — В невозбужденном состоянии.
46. "Oh dear" — Ах олень.
47. "Oh, my!" — Ё моё!!!
48. "One Firm, No limits" — Одна фирма, сплошной беспредел.
49. "Phone seller" — Позвони продавцу.
50. "Press space bar to continue" — Космический бар прессы продолжает.
51. "Sleep well" — сонный источник.
52. "Space marine" — Морской пробел.
53. "Spirit is good but flash is weak" — Спирт есть, мяса мало.
54. "Super trooper" — Великолепный патологоанатом.
55. "To Be Continued" — Две пчелы продолжали.
56. "Undressed custom model" — Голая таможенная модель.
57. "Watch out!" — Посмотри снаружи!
58. "We are the champions" — Мы шампиньоны.
59. "What's up?" — Кто сверху?
60. "То be or not to be" — Два пива или не два пива.
61. "То be or not to be?" — В пчелу или не в пчелу?
62. "То kill a man" — Человек, злоупотребляющий текилой.
1. "A gypsy woman" - A gypsy woman.
2. "A naked conductor ran along the roof" - A naked conductor ran along the roof.
3. "A rabbit lay in a depression" - The rabbit lay in a depression.
4. "Airborne" - Conceived on an airplane.
5. "All by myself" - I buy everything myself.
6. "How do you do? All right!" - How do you do it? Always right!
7. "All Rights Reserved" - All rights reserved.
8. "Bad influence" - Bad cold.
9. "By the way" - buy rails.
10. "Bye bye baby, baby good bye" - Buy buy a baby, baby good buy.
11. "Can you hear me" - You can hear me here.
12. "Copyright" - Copied correctly.
13. "Do You feel alright?" - Do you know everyone on the right?
14. "Duly received" - Got a fig.
15. "Enduring freedom" - the century of will to see!
16. "FAR manager" - The boss is far away.
17. "Finnish people" - Complete people.
18. "Give me a buzz when you're done" - Give me a bus when you get tired of waiting.
19. "God only knows" - The only nose of God.
20. "Good products" - God is on the side of the ducks.
21. "Hell knows" - Hell's nose.
22. "Honey, don't!" - No honey!
24. "HP Laser Jet" - Horsepower laser jet.
25. "I fell asleep" - The dream knocked me down.
26. "I fell in love" - ​​I fell in love.
27. "I have been there" - I have beans there.
28. "I know his story well" - I know his historical well.
29. "I love you baby" - I love you women!
30. "I saw my Honey today" - I sawed my honey today.
31. "I want my money back" - I want my money back.
32. "I will never give up" - I never feel sick.
33. "I`ve just saw your balance sheet" - I saw your balance ... so-so balance.
34. "I'll be back" - I'll be a bee back.
35. "I'm fine. How are you?" - I have thin. And you have?
36. "I'm going to make you mine" - I'm going to dig your mine.
37. "I'm just asking" - I'm just the king of ass.
38. "Just in case" - Only in the portfolio.
39. "Let it be" - Let's eat a bee.
40. "Let's have a party" - Let's organize a party.
41. "Manicure" - Money heals.
42. "Marmalade on toast" - Mom on the toast.
43. "May God be with you" - May good bee with you.
44. "No need to run" - No, you have to run!
45. "Notwithstanding" - In an unexcited state.
46. ​​"Oh dear" - Oh deer.
47. "Oh, my!" - It's mine!
48. "One Firm, No limits" - One firm, complete chaos.
49. "Phone seller" - Call the seller.
50. "Press space bar to continue" - The press space bar continues.
51. "Sleep well" - a sleepy source.
52. "Space marine" - Marine gap.
53. "Spirit is good but flash is weak" - There is alcohol, little meat.
54. "Super trooper" - Excellent pathologist.
55. "To Be Continued" - The two bees continued.
56. "Undressed custom model" - Naked custom model.
57. "Watch out!" - Look outside!
58. "We are the champions" - We are champignons.
59. "What's up?" - Who's on top?
60. "That be or not to be" - Two beers or not two beers.
61. "That be or not to be?" - Into a bee or not into a bee?
62. "That kill a man" - A man who abuses tequila.
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