На меня вдруг нахлынула ностальгия ) смотря на...

На меня вдруг нахлынула ностальгия ) смотря на мое маленькое счастье я поняла что это судьба привела меня к этому, ведь было столько моментов, которые могли нас разделить. Я чуть не проспала собеседование, могли не меня отправить в командировку. И всего бы этого не было и становится страшно, что одно неверное решение могло лишить меня моего безграничного семейного счастья. И вот спустя столько время я решила выложить небольшое видео со свадьбы, просто вспомнить ... looking today at my little boy I realized that is my destiny because there were so many moments that could make it not happen. I almost didn’t wake up to the interview, it could be not me who went to business trip. And I could not have all this and i get scared that I wrong dicision and I never have my biggest family happiness in my life. And I just decided to post this short wedding video just to remember #антониполина #любовьнавсегда #мыдружинины #yagodawedding #lotte
Nostalgia suddenly surged over me) looking at my little happiness, I realized that it was fate that led me to this, because there were so many moments that could divide us. I almost overslept the interview, they might not send me on a business trip. And all this would not have happened and it becomes scary that one wrong decision could deprive me of my boundless family happiness. And so after so much time I decided to upload a short video from the wedding, just to remember ... looking today at my little boy I realized that is my destiny because there were so many moments that could make it not happen. I almost didn’t wake up to the interview, it could be not me who went to business trip. And I could not have all this and i get scared that I wrong dicision and I never have my biggest family happiness in my life. And I just decided to post this short wedding video just to remember #Anthonypolina #love forever #models #yagodawedding #lotte
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