Этот неудобный момент, когда ты приезжаешь к родителям за котом, а он не то что не выходит тебя встречать, но и вовсе прячется под диван и отказывается ехать домой. Как выяснилось, у нашего кота был весьма шикарный гастрономический тур с дегустацией форели, сырников и многих других прекрасных вещей. Забирали насильно, упирался????
На фото водопад в Териберке.
The moment when you come to your parents to take your cat back to home and he doesn't meet you and even hide himself under the bed. We found out our cat had a great gastronomic tour in my husband's parents' house. So nothing surprising he didn't want to come back, but we took him anyway????????
It's waterfall in #Teriberka on the photo. @ Teriberka, Arctic Ocean
На фото водопад в Териберке.
The moment when you come to your parents to take your cat back to home and he doesn't meet you and even hide himself under the bed. We found out our cat had a great gastronomic tour in my husband's parents' house. So nothing surprising he didn't want to come back, but we took him anyway????????
It's waterfall in #Teriberka on the photo. @ Teriberka, Arctic Ocean
Этот неудобный момент, когда ты приезжаешь к родителям за котом, а он не то что не выходит тебя встречать, но и вовсе прячется под диван и отказывается ехать домой. Как выяснилось, у нашего кота был весьма шикарный гастрономический тур с дегустацией форели, сырников и многих других прекрасных вещей. Забирали насильно, упирался????
На фото водопад в Териберке.
The moment when you come to your parents to take your cat back to home and he doesn't meet you and even hide himself under the bed. We found out our cat had a great gastronomic tour in my husband's parents' house. So nothing surprising he didn't want to come back, but we took him anyway????????
It's waterfall in #Teriberka on the photo. @ Teriberka, Arctic Ocean
На фото водопад в Териберке.
The moment when you come to your parents to take your cat back to home and he doesn't meet you and even hide himself under the bed. We found out our cat had a great gastronomic tour in my husband's parents' house. So nothing surprising he didn't want to come back, but we took him anyway????????
It's waterfall in #Teriberka on the photo. @ Teriberka, Arctic Ocean

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