Вот что мне очень понравилось в Латвии, так это то, что на улицах осталось очень много деревянных домов. Они, особенно отреставрированные, радуют взгляд и греют душу, пусть стоят еще долго! А здесь, кажется, находится детский садик или школа.
I liked the plenty of wooden houses in Latvian towns. It's great they are still with us! This seems to be a kindergarten or school.
I liked the plenty of wooden houses in Latvian towns. It's great they are still with us! This seems to be a kindergarten or school.
This is what I really liked in Latvia, because there are so many wooden houses left on the streets. They, especially restored ones, delight the eye and warm the soul, even if they stand still for a long time! And here, it seems, is a kindergarten or school.
I liked the plenty of wooden houses in Latvian towns. It's great they are still with us! This seems to be a kindergarten or school.
I liked the plenty of wooden houses in Latvian towns. It's great they are still with us! This seems to be a kindergarten or school.

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