Диалог с утра: -Philip, how come it's only...

Диалог с утра:

-Philip, how come it's only Thursday, but everying is going to hell already?
-Nadia, I have to correct your english, everything is COMING to hell.
-because we are already there.

И все это под рождественские песни, зашкаливающий коэффициент шоколада на человека и задроченных почтальонов, таскающих открытки в немыслимых количествах. Боже, спаси мою жирную Ж.

ПС. Надеюсь вы уже поблевываете от моих рождественских постов.
Dialog in the morning:

-Philip, how come it's only Thursday, but everying is going to hell already?
-Nadia, I have to correct your english, everything is COMING to hell.
- ?!
-because we are already there.

And all this under the Christmas songs, the off-scale coefficient of chocolate per person and delayed postmen dragging postcards in unimaginable quantities. God save my fat J.

PS. I hope you already puke from my Christmas posts.
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