Lazy #photoeveryday 69/365 Today I got up at...

Lazy #photoeveryday 69/365
Today I got up at 6:15 and went to the US embassy to receive a refusal letter instead of visa (because being a scientist makes me dangerous). It was pleasant to be called a Dr every time I was spoken to and it was nice to have my friends Totoro and Kiki with me.

Сегодня я проснулась в начале седьмого, изобразила бодрость духа и поехала в посольство США, где вместо визы мне выдали бумажку с отказом, даже паспорт не взяли на время проверки моего опасного научного бэкграунда. Не может не радовать то, что а посольстве ко мне обращались исключительно "доктор", а также то что мои (воображаемые) друзья Тоторо и Кики крепко держали меня на земле. @ Oxford London
Lazy #photoeveryday 69/365
Today I got up at 6:15 and went to the US embassy to receive a refusal letter instead of visa (because being a scientist makes me dangerous). It was pleasant to be called a Dr every time I was spoken to and it was nice to have my friends Totoro and Kiki with me.

Today I woke up at the beginning of the seventh, portrayed pep and went to the US Embassy, ​​where instead of a visa I was given a piece of paper with a refusal, even a passport was not taken at the time of checking my dangerous scientific background. It cannot but rejoice that at the embassy I was exclusively approached by a "doctor", and also that my (imaginary) friends Totoro and Kiki held me tight on the ground. @ Oxford London
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