По-моему это первый раз в истории Улан-Удэ такое. Моментальное профессиональное фото для любого желающего с Дедом Морозом и Снегурочкой. Кто знает, может быть мы основополагатели новой традиции во всей стране?! Так как в Америках с Сантой фоткаются, у нас своя будет традиция... А для меня лично, это грандиозный опыт организации бизнеса. Подсчет расходов, доходов, найм сотрудников, продажи, переговоры, поиски, нетворкинг, знакомство, лидерство, смм... Того стоит. Ну, а вы приходите фотографироваться уже в эту субботу с 12 до 20.00! #уланудэ I got the idea of picture taking with Ded Moroz (Russia Santa) and Snegurochka (his granddaughter) in Canada. If this tradition exists there for decades, here it's quite new. Who knows, may be I will be the first one to bring this tradition to the whole country?! But for now it's the best experience ever. Having to deal with expenses, profits, people, stuff, hiring, negotiating, promoting, selling, smiling, etc etc! Come visit us at the Capital Mall this weekend #ulanude #mongolia @ Улаан-Үд дэх Монгол оюутны холбоо
In my opinion this is the first time in the history of Ulan-Ude. Instant professional photo for anyone with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Who knows, maybe we are the founders of a new tradition throughout the country ?! Since in the Americas we take pictures with Santa, we will have our own tradition ... And for me personally, this is a tremendous experience in organizing a business. Calculation of expenses, incomes, hiring employees, sales, negotiations, searches, networking, meeting, leadership, smm ... It's worth it. Well, and you come to be photographed already this Saturday from 12 to 20.00! # ulanude I got the idea of picture taking with Ded Moroz (Russia Santa) and Snegurochka (his granddaughter) in Canada. If this tradition exists there for decades, here it's quite new. Who knows, may be I will be the first one to bring this tradition to the whole country ?! But for now it's the best experience ever. Having to deal with expenses, profits, people, stuff, hiring, negotiating, promoting, selling, smiling, etc etc! Come visit us at the Capital Mall this weekend #ulanude #mongolia @ Ulaan-Үd deh Mongol oyutny holboo

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