Краков=Финляндия+Чехия+Таллинн. Много красивых милых уголков, заборы, покрашенные в фиолетовый, всякий европейский актуальный стрит арт. Люди-поляки, НА МОЙ ВКУС, могли бы следить за собой побольше. Когда итак никто в тебя монетки не бросает, некоторая доп ухоженность не помешала бы. Странных шапок не наблюдается, но и в целом взгляд не останавливается ни на ком-серовато. Хотя город пригодился бы в качестве хипстерского местечка. Достаточно много туристов и погода +15 в среднем) сегодня праздник независимости (от косметики и расчески????). Другой независимости я не наблюдаю. По традиции не работает ничего) ВЕДЬ ПРАЗДНИК ЖЕ!)) ????✨???????????????? Krakow=Finland+Tallinn+Chech republic. Here are a lot of nice places, different conceptual street arts. People looks plain and u can't even find any interesting appearance. If u're not very attractive better try to be well groomed at least. Krakow could easily become hipsters' place. There are a lot of tourists and services for them. By the way it is Independent day today. So NOTHING OPENED))) taadaam)) ???????? http://instagram.com/p/vQ6e0TskYf/
Krakow = Finland + Czech Republic + Tallinn. A lot of beautiful cute corners, fences painted in purple, every European contemporary street art. People-Poles, FOR MY TASTE, could look after themselves more. When so no one throws coins at you, some additional grooming would not hurt. Strange hats are not observed, but in general, the look does not stop at anyone grayish. Although the city would come in handy as a hipster town. Quite a lot of tourists and the weather is +15 on average) today is a holiday of independence (from cosmetics and combs ????). I do not observe another independence. By tradition, nothing works) BECAUSE THE HOLIDAY SAME!)) ???? ✨ ???????????????? Krakow = Finland + Tallinn + Chech republic. Here are a lot of nice places, different conceptual street arts. People looks plain and u can't even find any interesting appearance. If u're not very attractive better try to be well groomed at least. Krakow could easily become hipsters' place. There are a lot of tourists and services for them. By the way it is Independent day today. So NOTHING OPENED))) taadaam)) ???????? http://instagram.com/p/vQ6e0TskYf/

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