Трассы по высшему разряду и любой сложности: от детских 4а до невозможных 8с для исключительных профи. Аш Шафа поразила меня совим гостеприимством и чумовыми пейзажами. Несмотря на пасмурную погоду было весело. Спасибо за очередное приключение, друзья!
High-quality routs of any difficulty: from children’s 4a to impossible 8c for exceptional pros. Ash Shafa struck me with hospitality and beautiful landscapes. Despite the overcast weather was fun. Thanks for the adventure, friends!
#rockclimbing #nature #rope #tent #timelapse #скалы #горы #природа #скалолазанье #палатка #таймлапс
High-quality routs of any difficulty: from children’s 4a to impossible 8c for exceptional pros. Ash Shafa struck me with hospitality and beautiful landscapes. Despite the overcast weather was fun. Thanks for the adventure, friends!
#rockclimbing #nature #rope #tent #timelapse #скалы #горы #природа #скалолазанье #палатка #таймлапс
Trails of the highest level and of any complexity: from children’s 4a to impossible 8c for exceptional professionals. Ash Shafa impressed me with its hospitality and plague landscapes. Despite the cloudy weather it was fun. Thanks for the next adventure, friends!
High-quality routs of any difficulty: from children’s 4a to impossible 8c for exceptional pros. Ash Shafa struck me with hospitality and beautiful landscapes. Despite the overcast weather was fun. Thanks for the adventure, friends!
#rockclimbing #nature #rope #tent #timelapse # rocks # mountains # nature # climbing # tent # time-lapse
High-quality routs of any difficulty: from children’s 4a to impossible 8c for exceptional pros. Ash Shafa struck me with hospitality and beautiful landscapes. Despite the overcast weather was fun. Thanks for the adventure, friends!
#rockclimbing #nature #rope #tent #timelapse # rocks # mountains # nature # climbing # tent # time-lapse

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