Thanks, #professor of #freediving, zak_dive for a cool...

Thanks, #professor of #freediving, zak_dive for a cool session! Aida level 3 on the way - 30.7 meters deep dive on #onebreath. #Redsea is always amazing and really deep - let’s keep exploring it!

В процессе выполнения Aida3 по #фридайвингу, нырнул на 30 метров. Ощущение прекрасные. Это же высота панельной девятиэтажки! 1.04 - довольно быстро, ведь #время не ждёт. #Красноеморе как всегда радует глубиной и подводной #жизнью.
Thanks, #professor of #freediving, zak_dive for a cool session! Aida level 3 on the way - 30.7 meters deep dive on #onebreath. #Redsea is always amazing and really deep - let’s keep exploring it!

During the execution of Aida3 # freediving, dived 30 meters. The feeling is wonderful. This is the height of the panel nine-story building! 1.04 - pretty fast, because # time does not wait. # The Red Sea, as always, pleases with its depth and underwater life.
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