летим себе спокойно в Марокко, никого не трогаем,...

летим себе спокойно в Марокко, никого не трогаем, и вдруг видим истребитель! ???????????? Все срезу проснулись)) Сопровождал нас минут 5, потом улетел. Экипаж никак не прокомментировал, только сказали что летели мы над Испанией/ flying charter flight to Morocco, and totally unexpected see the military plane escorting us! Was following us about 5 minutes, then left. Crew said we're flying over the Spain #RL7775 @ Agadir–Al Massira Airport
we fly quietly to Morocco, do not touch anyone, and suddenly we see a fighter! ????????????? All the slice woke up)) He accompanied us for about 5 minutes, then flew away. The crew did not comment in any way, they just said that we flew over Spain / flying charter flight to Morocco, and totally unexpected see the military plane escorting us! Was following us about 5 minutes, then left. Crew said we're flying over the Spain # RL7775 @ Agadir – Al Massira Airport
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