Вчера мне наконец-то посчастливилось во всех мельчайших подробностях узнать, как собираются автомобили. Сказать, что это зрелище меня очень порадовало – это не сказать ничего!
Сам завод снаружи показался большим, странным «амбаром». Длинным и невысоким. В моей голове никак не могло сложить две картинки: это здание и новенький красивый автомобиль.
Внутри все оказалось очень просто, чисто, бело и, вместе с тем, непонятно. Длинные коридоры. Двери. Запах их столовой. Разные дипломы и принципы работы, висящие в стеклянных рамках. Люди в форме.
После небольшой лекции о том, что мы сейчас увидим нам выдали по комплекту спец.халатов, каско-кепок и очков. Наряды были призваны защитить от возможных опасностей, и сделали нас ничем не отличающимися друг от друга. Оно и понятно: здесь главные – автомобили, это их территория, все внимание только им.
Вооружившись наушниками и радиогидом, мы гуськом двинулись путешествовать из цеха в цех, шагая исключительно по желтым и зеленым линиям.
Сначала было ощущение, что мы попали на территорию космического корабля. Я, к сожалению, не знаю как там, на космических кораблях должно быть, но мне кажется, что именно так! Множество людей. Все занимаются исключительно своим делом, не обращая никакого внимания на нас, внимательно разглядывающих их работу. Нас как будто нет. Мы невидимы ни для кого. Случайно попали на секретный объект, вооружившись плащами-невидимками.
Первая яркая картинка: рабочий везет на специальной тележке остов, голый металлический скелет будущей красавицы-Теаны! КАК!?!? Как это возможно?! А вот детали кузова послушно соединяются друг с другом под искрами сварки! А вот уже собранный кузов проходит всяческие проверки на геометрию, правильность и четкость форм. А вокруг куча огромных коробок-корзинок с блестящими металлическими крыльями, стойками, капотами…
Пройдя через длинный рукав-коридор мы попали в самый, пожалуй, творческий цех – цех окраски. Это зона особого внимания и самого бережного отношения. Здесь нам выдали еще по одному халату, чтобы лишние пылинки не попадали сюда. Именно поэтому к цеху и ведет такой длинный коридор. И в этой части завода, конечно, творится самый невероятный и зрелищный процесс! Скелеты будущих автомобилей и обезжиривают, и грунтуют, и оцинковывают, и красят несколько раз, и «наводят лоск» последним слоем глянцевого лака. Почти все автоматизировано. Три лапы специально обученного робота покрывают автомобиль точными штрихами, не оставляя без внимания ни один участок на теле атлета-Мурано. Просто сказка!
И вот, наконец, окрашенный кузов попадает в умелые руки мастеров, которые занимаются его «начинкой». 5,5 мин на каждый процесс, все выверено и рассчитано. Все как в аптеке. Ни одного лишнего движения. Автомобиль получает блестящее сердце-двигатель, внутреннюю мягкую отделку салона, электрику, пару глаз-фар… Статичные стекла автомобиля (лобовое, заднее, маленькое стекло салона) тоже собирает робот. Огромная лапа ловко крутит почти невидимые стекла и послушно передает стоящим рядом рабочим. Те ловко и быстро (пока не высох клей) вставляют их в кузов автомобиля. Еще одна фантастическая картинка. Затем машинку «обувают», заливают туда все необходимые жидкости и вот уже перед нами полноценный автомобиль!
На этом этапе и происходит самый трогательный момент в сборке автомобиля. Мы дружно замираем перед стоящем на специальной платформе силаче-Икс-Трейле. В него садится человек в сером комбинезоне. Нам уже почти все понятно. Но гид спешит нам сообщить: «Здесь автомобиль впервые заводят!» От этих слов муражки пробегают по спине! Вот оно – чудо! Человек, сидящий за рулем, буквально вдыхает жизнь в только что рожденного крепыша. Время замирает. Раздается звук заведенного мотора! Звук, который свидетельствует о том, что все, кто трудился над его рождением на всех предыдущих этапах, сделали все правильно, не допустив ни одной ошибки. Звук – как подтверждение отлаженной и привычной работы. Просто с ума сойти можно!!!
Конечно, я все-таки девочка и, возможно, воспринимаю все эти вещи слишком эмоционально, но я в полном восторге. Ниссан снова превзошел мои ожидания!
Yesterday, I finally got lucky in all the smallest details to find out how cars are going. To say that this spectacle made me very happy was to say nothing!
The factory itself seemed to be a large, strange "barn" from the outside. Long and short. Two pictures could not be put in my head: this is a building and a brand new beautiful car.
Inside, everything turned out to be very simple, clean, white and, at the same time, incomprehensible. Long corridors. Doors The smell of their dining room. Different diplomas and principles of work hanging in a glass framework. People in uniform.
After a short lecture on what we are about to see, we were given a set of special robes, hard hats and glasses. The outfits were designed to protect against possible dangers, and made us no different from each other. It is understandable: here the main ones are cars, this is their territory, all attention is only to them.
Armed with headphones and a radio guide, we galloped off to travel from workshop to workshop, striding exclusively along the yellow and green lines.
At first there was a feeling that we were on the territory of a spaceship. Unfortunately, I don’t know how it should be on spaceships, but it seems to me that it is so! A lot of people. All are engaged exclusively in their own business, not paying any attention to us, carefully examining their work. It’s as if we are not here. We are invisible to anyone. Accidentally hit a secret object, armed with invisibility cloaks.
The first vivid picture: the worker is carrying a skeleton on a special trolley, the bare metal skeleton of the future beauty Teana! AS!?!? How is this possible ?! But body parts obediently connect with each other under sparks of welding! But the already assembled body passes all sorts of checks on the geometry, correctness and clarity of forms. And around there are a bunch of huge box-baskets with shiny metal wings, racks, hoods ...
Having passed through a long sleeve-corridor, we found ourselves in the most, perhaps, the creative workshop - the painting workshop. This is a zone of special attention and the most careful attitude. Here we were given one more dressing gown so that the extra specks of dust would not fall here. That is why such a long corridor leads to the workshop. And in this part of the plant, of course, the most incredible and spectacular process is going on! The skeletons of future cars degrease, and primer, and galvanize, and paint several times, and “gloss” the last layer of glossy varnish. Almost everything is automated. Three paws of a specially trained robot cover the car with precise strokes, without disregarding a single area on the body of an athlete-Murano. Just a fairy tale!
And then, finally, the painted body falls into the skillful hands of the masters who are engaged in its "filling." 5.5 minutes for each process, everything is verified and calculated. Everything is like in a pharmacy. Not a single extra movement. The car receives a brilliant heart-engine, interior soft interior trim, electrics, a pair of eye-lights ... Static car windows (windshield, rear, small glass of the cabin) are also assembled by the robot. A huge paw deftly twists almost invisible glass and obediently passes to the workers standing nearby. They deftly and quickly (until the glue has dried) insert them into the car body. Another fantastic picture. Then the machine is “put on”, all the necessary fluids are poured there and now we have a full-fledged car!
At this stage, the most moving moment in the assembly of the car occurs. We all stand still in front of the powerful X-Trail standing on a special platform. A man in a gray jumpsuit sits in it. Almost everything is clear to us. But the guide hurries to tell us: "This is the first time a car has been started!" From these words murazhki run down your back! Here it is - a miracle! The man sitting behind the wheel, literally breathes life into the just born robust. Time freezes. The sound of an engine running up! The sound, which indicates that everyone who worked on his birth at all previous stages, did everything right, without making a single mistake. Sound - as a confirmation of the debugged and familiar work. You can just go crazy !!!
Of course, I'm still a girl and, perhaps, I perceive all these things too emotionally, but I am completely delighted. Nissan again exceeded my expectations!
The factory itself seemed to be a large, strange "barn" from the outside. Long and short. Two pictures could not be put in my head: this is a building and a brand new beautiful car.
Inside, everything turned out to be very simple, clean, white and, at the same time, incomprehensible. Long corridors. Doors The smell of their dining room. Different diplomas and principles of work hanging in a glass framework. People in uniform.
After a short lecture on what we are about to see, we were given a set of special robes, hard hats and glasses. The outfits were designed to protect against possible dangers, and made us no different from each other. It is understandable: here the main ones are cars, this is their territory, all attention is only to them.
Armed with headphones and a radio guide, we galloped off to travel from workshop to workshop, striding exclusively along the yellow and green lines.
At first there was a feeling that we were on the territory of a spaceship. Unfortunately, I don’t know how it should be on spaceships, but it seems to me that it is so! A lot of people. All are engaged exclusively in their own business, not paying any attention to us, carefully examining their work. It’s as if we are not here. We are invisible to anyone. Accidentally hit a secret object, armed with invisibility cloaks.
The first vivid picture: the worker is carrying a skeleton on a special trolley, the bare metal skeleton of the future beauty Teana! AS!?!? How is this possible ?! But body parts obediently connect with each other under sparks of welding! But the already assembled body passes all sorts of checks on the geometry, correctness and clarity of forms. And around there are a bunch of huge box-baskets with shiny metal wings, racks, hoods ...
Having passed through a long sleeve-corridor, we found ourselves in the most, perhaps, the creative workshop - the painting workshop. This is a zone of special attention and the most careful attitude. Here we were given one more dressing gown so that the extra specks of dust would not fall here. That is why such a long corridor leads to the workshop. And in this part of the plant, of course, the most incredible and spectacular process is going on! The skeletons of future cars degrease, and primer, and galvanize, and paint several times, and “gloss” the last layer of glossy varnish. Almost everything is automated. Three paws of a specially trained robot cover the car with precise strokes, without disregarding a single area on the body of an athlete-Murano. Just a fairy tale!
And then, finally, the painted body falls into the skillful hands of the masters who are engaged in its "filling." 5.5 minutes for each process, everything is verified and calculated. Everything is like in a pharmacy. Not a single extra movement. The car receives a brilliant heart-engine, interior soft interior trim, electrics, a pair of eye-lights ... Static car windows (windshield, rear, small glass of the cabin) are also assembled by the robot. A huge paw deftly twists almost invisible glass and obediently passes to the workers standing nearby. They deftly and quickly (until the glue has dried) insert them into the car body. Another fantastic picture. Then the machine is “put on”, all the necessary fluids are poured there and now we have a full-fledged car!
At this stage, the most moving moment in the assembly of the car occurs. We all stand still in front of the powerful X-Trail standing on a special platform. A man in a gray jumpsuit sits in it. Almost everything is clear to us. But the guide hurries to tell us: "This is the first time a car has been started!" From these words murazhki run down your back! Here it is - a miracle! The man sitting behind the wheel, literally breathes life into the just born robust. Time freezes. The sound of an engine running up! The sound, which indicates that everyone who worked on his birth at all previous stages, did everything right, without making a single mistake. Sound - as a confirmation of the debugged and familiar work. You can just go crazy !!!
Of course, I'm still a girl and, perhaps, I perceive all these things too emotionally, but I am completely delighted. Nissan again exceeded my expectations!
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