I've tried my best to show my Love...

I've tried my best to show my Love [id5389|Наталья Блинова] a #shadow #theater this #evening but most of all she was impressed by this!!)))))
(#Bigfoot, #yeti #Sasquatch on this shot btw) #foot #original #showcase
#Repost from @nblinova---Любимый на ночь решил показать театр теней)) ???????????????????? @ Резиденция Пумов (France) http://instagram.com/p/sdLV7STBcc/
I've tried my best to show my Love [id5389|Наталья Блинова] a #shadow #theater this #evening but most of all she was impressed by this!!)))))
(#Bigfoot, #yeti #Sasquatch on this shot btw) #foot #original #showcase
#Repost from @nblinova---Любимый на ночь решил показать театр теней)) ???????????????????? @ Резиденция Пумов (France) http://instagram.com/p/sdLV7STBcc/
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