????????I am a 100% winter person: born in...

????????I am a 100% winter person: born in December, love walking when the first snowflakes are falling, or on the contrary staying cozy @ home????, preparing some spiced tea with homemade cookies☕️????, and New Year is still my favorite holiday???????? And today I desperately feel winter coming - my own winter this time - smth I didn't have for so many years. And I'm catching this feeling of freezing happiness❄️ and wishing you a sweet evening with the ones you ❤️ / ???????? Я на 100% человек зимы: начнем с того, что я родилась в декабре; а уж насколько я обожаю гулять в первый снег, или наоборот сидеть в этот момент дома???? и готовить уютный пряный чай с домашними печеньками☕️????, да и новый год - по-прежнему мой самый любимый праздник???????? И вот сегодня я отчаянно чувствую приближение зимы - моей собственной зимы - такой не было много лет. В общем ловлю это ощущение морозного счастья❄️ и желаю вам теплого и уютного вечера с теми, кого вы ❤️ #liveyourlife #liveyourdream #mywinter #осторожнодвериоткрываются #какаяразницактопрочто #followingmydreams
???????? I am a 100% winter person: born in December, love walking when the first snowflakes are falling, or on the contrary staying cozy @ home ????, preparing some spiced tea with homemade cookies☕️ ????, and New Year is still my favorite holiday ???????? And today I desperately feel winter coming - my own winter this time - smth I didn't have for so many years. And I'm catching this feeling of freezing happiness❄️ and wishing you a sweet evening with the ones you ❤️ / ???????? I am 100% winter man: let's start with the fact that I was born in December; and how much I love to walk in the first snow, or vice versa to sit at home at this moment ???? and prepare cozy spicy tea with homemade cookies☕️ ????, and the New Year is still my favorite holiday ???????? And today, I desperately feel the approach of winter - my own winter - has not been like this for many years. In general, I catch this feeling of frosty happiness❄️ and I wish you a warm and cozy evening with those you ❤️ #liveyourlife #liveyourdream #mywinter #cautiously the doors open #what is the difference
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