I do agree that Milan is not the...

I do agree that Milan is not the most beautiful city of Italy, but it has its own charm, especially in spring. And the Milan Cathedral is a masterpiece, it worth to see at least once ☀️????????????Я соглашусь, что Милан не самый красивый город Италии, но у него есть свой шарм, особенно весной. А Миланский Собор - настоящий шедевр, он заслуживает того, чтобы увидеть его воочию хоть раз☀️????????????
I do agree that Milan is not the most beautiful city of Italy, but it has its own charm, especially in spring. And the Milan Cathedral is a masterpiece, it is worth to see at least once ☀️ ????????????? I agree that Milan is not the most beautiful city in Italy, but it has its own charm, especially in the spring. And the Milan Cathedral is a real masterpiece, it deserves to be seen firsthand at least once хоть ????????????
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