Preaching is more important than managing. Just because...

Preaching is more important than managing. Just because you are preaching nicely and distributing so much prasadam, the management will follow like a shadow and Krishna will send you no end of help.

Проповедовать важнее, чем заниматься организацией. Благодаря вашей достойной проповеди и столь обильному распространению прасада организованность будет следовать за ваши, как тень, а Кришна будет присылать помощь без перерывов.

письмо Шрилы Прабхупады для Сатсварупы, 21 ноября 1971
Preaching is more important than managing. Just because you are preaching nicely and distributing so much prasadam, the management will follow like a shadow and Krishna will send you no end of help.

Preaching is more important than organizing. Thanks to your worthy sermon and so abundant distribution of prasadam, organization will follow yours as a shadow, and Krishna will send help without interruption.

Srila Prabhupada's letter to Satsvarupa, November 21, 1971
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