Способ заучивания неправильных глаголов)))
Я в буфете buy-bought-bought (покупать)
Первоклассный бутерброд,
За него я pay-paid-paid, (платить)
В классе в парту lay-laid-laid (класть)
И совсем не think-thought-thought, (думать)
Что сосед его умнет.
И теперь мне очень грустно –
Smell-smelt-smelt он очень вкусно! (пахнуть)
Глянь, рогатку Баламут
В свой кармашек put-put-put (положить)
И begin-began-begun (начинать)
Хулиганить хулиган!
Он подушку cut-cut-cut, (резать)
Брата в ванной shut-shut-shut, (закрывать)
Все газеты light-lit-lit, (поджигать)
Собачонку hit-hit-hit. (бить)
Он соседу ring-rang-rung (звонить)
И, конечно, run-ran-run. (бежать)
И совсем не think-thought-thought, (думать)
Что милиция придет.
Dig-dug-dug мы огород, (копать)
Come-came-come туда народ. (приходить)
Мы сказали: «Go-went-gone, (идти, уходить)
Это вам не балаган».
Мы с врагами fight-fought-fought, (драться, сражаться)
Их в ловушку catch-caught-caught. (ловить, поймать)
День удачу bring-brought-brought, (приносить)
Мы награду get-got-got. (получать)
Если зайцев bite-bit-bitten, (кусать)
Не давать им eat-ate-eaten, (есть)
Они скоро learn-learnt-learnt (учиться)
Лихо спички burn-burnt-burnt. (зажигать)
Если друга meet-met-met, (встречать)
Его крепко keep-kept-kept. (держать)
Ну, а если lose-lost-lost, (терять)
То того он cost-cost-cost. (стоить)
Самолеты fly-flew-flown. (летать)
Наши дети grow-grew-grown. (расти)
Ну, а ветер blow-blew-blown, (дуть)
Обо всем он know-knew-known. (знать)
Дед и бабка find-found-found (находить)
Пса породы бассет-хаунд.
Очень близок старикам
Пес become-became-become. (становиться)
Give-gave-given дед ему (давать)
Дорогую бастурму –
Надо ж псину feed-fed-fed (кормить)
Чем-то вкусным на обед!
Себе же сала и котлет
Старики не let-let-let. (позволять)
Нынче бабушка и дед
Жизнь другую lead-led-led: (вести)
Дед с улыбкой дремлет в ванне,
Бабка dwell-dwelt-dwelt в чулане, (обитать)
Пес в кровати lie-lay-lain, (лежать)
Прямо как Саддам Хусейн.
Мы break-broke-broken старый дом – (ломать)
Очень скучно было в нем.
Новый дом мы draw-drew-drawn, (рисовать)
Build-built-built – и заживем. (строить)
Show-showed-shown быстрей мне свет! (показывать)
Светит солнце или нет?
«Shine-shone-shone, – ответил ты. – (светить)
See-saw-seen до темноты». (видеть)
Say-said-said и повтори: (говорить)
«Swim-swam-swum мы до зари, (плавать)
Spring-sprang-sprung с тобой мы в воду (прыгать)
Невзирая на погоду».
Read-read-read ученый кот (читать)
Дни и ночи напролет.
Tell-told-told и sing-sang-sung (рассказывать) (петь)
Небылицы по ночам.
Я в буфете buy-bought-bought (покупать)
Первоклассный бутерброд,
За него я pay-paid-paid, (платить)
В классе в парту lay-laid-laid (класть)
И совсем не think-thought-thought, (думать)
Что сосед его умнет.
И теперь мне очень грустно –
Smell-smelt-smelt он очень вкусно! (пахнуть)
Глянь, рогатку Баламут
В свой кармашек put-put-put (положить)
И begin-began-begun (начинать)
Хулиганить хулиган!
Он подушку cut-cut-cut, (резать)
Брата в ванной shut-shut-shut, (закрывать)
Все газеты light-lit-lit, (поджигать)
Собачонку hit-hit-hit. (бить)
Он соседу ring-rang-rung (звонить)
И, конечно, run-ran-run. (бежать)
И совсем не think-thought-thought, (думать)
Что милиция придет.
Dig-dug-dug мы огород, (копать)
Come-came-come туда народ. (приходить)
Мы сказали: «Go-went-gone, (идти, уходить)
Это вам не балаган».
Мы с врагами fight-fought-fought, (драться, сражаться)
Их в ловушку catch-caught-caught. (ловить, поймать)
День удачу bring-brought-brought, (приносить)
Мы награду get-got-got. (получать)
Если зайцев bite-bit-bitten, (кусать)
Не давать им eat-ate-eaten, (есть)
Они скоро learn-learnt-learnt (учиться)
Лихо спички burn-burnt-burnt. (зажигать)
Если друга meet-met-met, (встречать)
Его крепко keep-kept-kept. (держать)
Ну, а если lose-lost-lost, (терять)
То того он cost-cost-cost. (стоить)
Самолеты fly-flew-flown. (летать)
Наши дети grow-grew-grown. (расти)
Ну, а ветер blow-blew-blown, (дуть)
Обо всем он know-knew-known. (знать)
Дед и бабка find-found-found (находить)
Пса породы бассет-хаунд.
Очень близок старикам
Пес become-became-become. (становиться)
Give-gave-given дед ему (давать)
Дорогую бастурму –
Надо ж псину feed-fed-fed (кормить)
Чем-то вкусным на обед!
Себе же сала и котлет
Старики не let-let-let. (позволять)
Нынче бабушка и дед
Жизнь другую lead-led-led: (вести)
Дед с улыбкой дремлет в ванне,
Бабка dwell-dwelt-dwelt в чулане, (обитать)
Пес в кровати lie-lay-lain, (лежать)
Прямо как Саддам Хусейн.
Мы break-broke-broken старый дом – (ломать)
Очень скучно было в нем.
Новый дом мы draw-drew-drawn, (рисовать)
Build-built-built – и заживем. (строить)
Show-showed-shown быстрей мне свет! (показывать)
Светит солнце или нет?
«Shine-shone-shone, – ответил ты. – (светить)
See-saw-seen до темноты». (видеть)
Say-said-said и повтори: (говорить)
«Swim-swam-swum мы до зари, (плавать)
Spring-sprang-sprung с тобой мы в воду (прыгать)
Невзирая на погоду».
Read-read-read ученый кот (читать)
Дни и ночи напролет.
Tell-told-told и sing-sang-sung (рассказывать) (петь)
Небылицы по ночам.
A way to memorize irregular verbs)))
I'm at the buffet buy-bought-bought
First-class sandwich,
For him I pay-paid-paid, (pay)
In the classroom at the school desk lay-laid-laid
And not think-thought-thought at all, (think)
That his neighbor will die.
And now I'm very sad -
Smell-smelt-smelt he is very tasty! (smell)
Look, the slingshot of Balamut
Put-put-put in your pocket
And begin-began-begun
Bully a bully!
He pillow cut-cut-cut, (cut)
Brother in the bathroom shut-shut-shut, (close)
All newspapers light-lit-lit, (set fire)
Little dog hit-hit-hit. (beat)
He's a neighbor ring-rang-rung (call)
And of course run-ran-run. (run away)
And not think-thought-thought at all, (think)
That the police will come.
Dig-dug-dug we garden, (dig)
Come-came-come people there. (come)
We said, “Go-went-gone, (go, go)
This is not a booth for you. ”
We are enemies fight-fought-fought, (fight, fight)
They are trapped by catch-caught-caught. (catch, catch)
Day of luck bring-brought-brought, (bring)
We reward get-got-got. (get)
If rabbits bite-bit-bitten, (bite)
Do not give them eat-ate-eaten, (eat)
They will soon learn-learnt-learnt (learn)
Great match burn-burnt-burnt. (spark off)
If friend meet-met-met, (meet)
Its hard to keep-kept-kept. (Keep)
Well, if you lose-lost-lost, (lose)
That he is cost-cost-cost. (cost)
Aircraft fly-flew-flown. (to fly)
Our children grow-grew-grown. (grow)
Well, the wind blow-blew-blown, (blow)
About everything, he know-knew-known. (know)
Grandfather and grandmother find-found-found
Dog Basset Hound.
Very close to old people
The dog become-became-become. (become)
Give-gave-given grandfather to him (give)
Dear Basturma -
We need a dog feed-fed-fed (feed)
Something delicious for lunch!
Himself fat and meatballs
Old people don't let-let-let. (let)
Today, grandmother and grandfather
Life is another lead-led-led: (lead)
Grandfather with a smile dozes in the bath,
Grandma dwell-dwelt-dwelt in a closet, (live)
Dog in a lie-lay-lain bed, (lying)
Just like Saddam Hussein.
We break-broke-broken old house - (break)
It was very boring in him.
New home we draw-drew-drawn, (draw)
Build-built-built - and we will live. (build)
Show-showed-shown faster light to me! (show)
Is the sun shining or not?
“Shine-shone-shone,” you answered. - (shine)
See-saw-seen before dark. " (see)
Say-said-said and repeat: (speak)
"Swim-swam-swum we are before dawn, (swim)
Spring-sprang-sprung with you we into the water (jump)
Despite the weather. "
Read-read-read scientist cat (read)
Day and night.
Tell-told-told and sing-sang-sung (tell) (sing)
Fiction at night.
I'm at the buffet buy-bought-bought
First-class sandwich,
For him I pay-paid-paid, (pay)
In the classroom at the school desk lay-laid-laid
And not think-thought-thought at all, (think)
That his neighbor will die.
And now I'm very sad -
Smell-smelt-smelt he is very tasty! (smell)
Look, the slingshot of Balamut
Put-put-put in your pocket
And begin-began-begun
Bully a bully!
He pillow cut-cut-cut, (cut)
Brother in the bathroom shut-shut-shut, (close)
All newspapers light-lit-lit, (set fire)
Little dog hit-hit-hit. (beat)
He's a neighbor ring-rang-rung (call)
And of course run-ran-run. (run away)
And not think-thought-thought at all, (think)
That the police will come.
Dig-dug-dug we garden, (dig)
Come-came-come people there. (come)
We said, “Go-went-gone, (go, go)
This is not a booth for you. ”
We are enemies fight-fought-fought, (fight, fight)
They are trapped by catch-caught-caught. (catch, catch)
Day of luck bring-brought-brought, (bring)
We reward get-got-got. (get)
If rabbits bite-bit-bitten, (bite)
Do not give them eat-ate-eaten, (eat)
They will soon learn-learnt-learnt (learn)
Great match burn-burnt-burnt. (spark off)
If friend meet-met-met, (meet)
Its hard to keep-kept-kept. (Keep)
Well, if you lose-lost-lost, (lose)
That he is cost-cost-cost. (cost)
Aircraft fly-flew-flown. (to fly)
Our children grow-grew-grown. (grow)
Well, the wind blow-blew-blown, (blow)
About everything, he know-knew-known. (know)
Grandfather and grandmother find-found-found
Dog Basset Hound.
Very close to old people
The dog become-became-become. (become)
Give-gave-given grandfather to him (give)
Dear Basturma -
We need a dog feed-fed-fed (feed)
Something delicious for lunch!
Himself fat and meatballs
Old people don't let-let-let. (let)
Today, grandmother and grandfather
Life is another lead-led-led: (lead)
Grandfather with a smile dozes in the bath,
Grandma dwell-dwelt-dwelt in a closet, (live)
Dog in a lie-lay-lain bed, (lying)
Just like Saddam Hussein.
We break-broke-broken old house - (break)
It was very boring in him.
New home we draw-drew-drawn, (draw)
Build-built-built - and we will live. (build)
Show-showed-shown faster light to me! (show)
Is the sun shining or not?
“Shine-shone-shone,” you answered. - (shine)
See-saw-seen before dark. " (see)
Say-said-said and repeat: (speak)
"Swim-swam-swum we are before dawn, (swim)
Spring-sprang-sprung with you we into the water (jump)
Despite the weather. "
Read-read-read scientist cat (read)
Day and night.
Tell-told-told and sing-sang-sung (tell) (sing)
Fiction at night.
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