Концепция вечеринки - шоу для взрослых. Я стремилась...

Концепция вечеринки - шоу для взрослых. Я стремилась сделать десерты вызывающими, но не пошлыми. Результат получился очень сюрреалистичным. Возможно, эти ноги попали в рот мировым селебрити. #вротмненоги The concept was adult party. I tried to make naughty desserts, but not vulgar. The outcome was a little bit surrealistic. Maybe some world's celebrity tried it. @ The Box, Soho
Party concept - shows for adults. I tried to make desserts defiant, but not vulgar. The result was very surreal. Perhaps these legs fell into the mouth of world celebrity. # the legs of The concept was adult party. I tried to make naughty desserts, but not vulgar. The outcome was a little bit surrealistic. Maybe some world celebrity tried it. @ The Box, Soho
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