Alice in wonderland was published 150 years ago....

Alice in wonderland was published 150 years ago. I have a little surprise for you, are you ready to open this fairy door? By the way, it is cookie! / Ровно 150 лет назад Льюис Кэролл подарил миру "Алису в стране чудес", и с этого момента мир больше никогда не был прежним. В честь этого праздника я приготовила для вас сюрприз, готовы ли вы заглянуть за сказочную дверь? И кстати, дверь - это печенька :) @ Komarovo, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
Alice in wonderland was published 150 years ago. I have a little surprise for you, are you ready to open this fairy door? By the way, it is cookie! / Exactly 150 years ago, Lewis Carroll presented the world with "Alice in Wonderland", and from that moment the world was never the same again. In honor of this holiday, I have prepared a surprise for you, are you ready to look outside the fabulous door? And by the way, the door is a cookie :) @ Komarovo, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
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