Когда вдруг грустно и не понятно-найдите повод улыбнуться, даже если совсем не хочется. Для меня это классные фотографии моей работы)
When it is sad and groomy-smile, even if you soooo don't want to. Find a reason for it. For me photos of my work-are the best reminder, that anyway everything is going to be fine, no great! Love you all)))
#makeup by me #redlips #model #promakeup #smokeyeyes #happy #goodmood
When it is sad and groomy-smile, even if you soooo don't want to. Find a reason for it. For me photos of my work-are the best reminder, that anyway everything is going to be fine, no great! Love you all)))
#makeup by me #redlips #model #promakeup #smokeyeyes #happy #goodmood
Когда вдруг грустно и не понятно-найдите повод улыбнуться, даже если совсем не хочется. Для меня это классные фотографии моей работы)
When it is sad and groomy-smile, even if you soooo don't want to. Find a reason for it. For me photos of my work-are the best reminder, that anyway everything is going to be fine, no great! Love you all)))
#makeup by me #redlips #model #promakeup #smokeyeyes #happy #goodmood
When it is sad and groomy-smile, even if you soooo don't want to. Find a reason for it. For me photos of my work-are the best reminder, that anyway everything is going to be fine, no great! Love you all)))
#makeup by me #redlips #model #promakeup #smokeyeyes #happy #goodmood

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