Почти начало. Болельщик из Перу Бэйкер,поддерлиживащий свою команду...

Почти начало.
Болельщик из Перу Бэйкер,поддерлиживащий свою команду на протяжении игр.Выйти в play off команде не удалось,но врервые за 36 лет сборная Перу попала на сам чемпионат,что тоже не плохо,учитывая промах той же Италии.We've met on World Cup in Russia.The Red Square is behind us.He is Bequer from Peru.He supported his country during games and visited some cities in Russia.????????⚽️????????
Almost the beginning.
A fan from Peru, Baker, supporting his team throughout the games. The team failed to leave on play off, but for 36 years the team of Peru got into the championship itself, which is also not bad, given the slip of the same Italy. We've met on World Cup in Russia.The Red Square is behind us.He is Bequer from Peru.He supported his country during games and visited some cities in Russia. ???????? ⚽️ ????????
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